Toddler Bed Transition success w Nanit
Hello! we have transitioned our 2 year old to a “toddler bed” (ikea transition bed). We have used the Nanit on the wall mount but are trying to consider using the travel stand to show a larger area. She’s notorious for getting out of bed to get a book, doll, etc. How have others continued using their camera as their baby…
Sleep Training
I have a 15 month old who as of 12 months was sleeping through the night from 7:15-7:45 to 5:45-6:15 every day. We took away the nook at 12 months and his bottle plus went through a daylight savings and since has been waking up between 3:30am and 4:30am every day. At first the only way that both my husband and I could find…
Hard time sleeping!
So my 1 month old is having a hard time sleeping in his crib or bassinet. The only place he is good about falling asleep is on my chest. He can be dead asleep but as soon as I put him in his crib he wakes back up. This is making very hard for me or my husband to get sleep! Help! Any advice?
Our daughter requires being nursed to fall asleep.
She is almost 6 months old and wakes multiple times per night. How do I get her to fall asleep in her crib on her own without all the tears?
Self soothing - CIO?
My 5 month old has been sleeping through the night since 3 months.. but putting him to sleep is a struggle. How long do you let them cry it out.
💬 "Ask Me Anything" about Nurturing your relationship after baby with Dr. Tracy Dalgleish
Dr. Tracy Dalgleish helps empower women and couples to improve their communication and build strong and healthy connections with themselves and their partner through therapy, wellness seminars, and her work outside of the therapy room. Dr. Tracy contributes to popular media sites, including Motherly, Huffington Post, and…
My baby is 3 months old. He wakes up 2-3 times a night. In some ocasiona he is able to put himself back to sleep fast. In others he can be up whining for almost an hour. He doesn’t like a pacifier but he does suck his fingers and has access to them through this sleep suit. He’s not hungry. I only pick him up to rock him…
Sleep issues
My 6 month old doesnt know how to fall asleep on his own in the day won't sleep unless he is on my partner only but at night he sleeps on his own. How can I get him to sleep independently jn the day? He will cry for hours if its not his way and won't sleep and his nap time is gone and ready for the next feeding.
My 6 months old baby won't sleep only at night.
Hello. We having really hard time with my baby's night sleep. ..she is very gentle and almost not crying during a day except when she fall asleep But she always fall asleep herself within 5 mins in her crib for day nap. And not crying when she awake from nap. when baby is fuzzy and sleepy. We are bring her to bedroom and…
How to make my 6 months baby soothe herself and get back to sleep without my intervention?
My baby Julia (6 months 17 days now) used to sleep through the night very easily without wailing up or crying since she was 4 months. The last past weeks she now wakes up several times, sometimes crying and will only settle if we soothe her or pick her up. How can we make her sleep again through the night and how can she…
My seven month old has never liked napping in her crib or anywhere but on me. :/ when I try to put her down she wakes up immediately and starts crying. I spent most of my days sitting in a dark room letting her nap on me and I think its time for her to get used to napping in her crib. Any advice on how to accomplish this?…
Hard time sleeping!
So my 1 month old is having a hard time sleeping in his crib or bassinet. The only place he is good about falling asleep is on my chest. He can be dead asleep but as soon as I put him in his crib he wakes back up. This is making very hard for me or my husband to get sleep! Help! Any advice?
2 year sleep regression
My Lo turns 2 next month. In thr last two weeks she has suddenly stopped being able to go to bed at night on her own. She now needs to be rocked until totally asleep and will wake up as soon as I attempt to put her down. This goes on for over an hour every night and ends with her in our bed. She never did any of this until…
How long should your 2 year old toddler nap?
How long should your 2 year old toddler nap? Also, should you wake them up once they’ve been asleep for a certain amount of time?
How to get my baby to fall asleep on his own - 6 months
My son always wants to be rocked to sleep with his pacifier. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and can’t get himself back to sleep. Any suggestions?