Night Vision Red Lights
Can I cover the red lights on the camera? Our baby seems pretty fascinated by them. Would that affect the camera’s night vision?
Clicking of Camera - On & Off Night Mode
Our camera clicks on and off all night when in auto mode. It wakes up our kids in the room and also us parents while we are monitoring during the night. I turned off the auto mode. Which seems to help, but given this is a camera feature for this very expensive camera I would like some help in fixing this issue.
IR Lights Faulty?
I recently set up a Nanit Pro Floor Stand model and we're owners of other units as well. I'm noticing that this new camera only has 2 red lights on when night vision is activated/in dark room. All other units have had 4 lights on when using night vision. Is this unit faulty?
Why is my Nanit making a clicking sound?
Each time the light changes in my sons room from the outside the Nanit makes a clicking noise and almost looks like it’s taking a pictures. It keeps waking my son up! Can someone help??
Hi, I evacuated my house in Los Angeles today. Currently at my in-laws and just plugged in my Nanit Pro for the first time that I took with us instead of the other baby monitor we had, assuming this was better. AND THE NIGHT VISION DOESN'T WORK AT ALL. I’ve powered it on and off. I’ve rebooted it and updated the firmware.…
Nanit Pro Night Vision not working
Our Nanit Pro camera’s doesn’t activate night vision mode. At night the image is completely black. I’ve toggled the night vision settings (in advanced settings) to On, Off, and Auto and they’re all pitch black. Looking at the LED lights, I only ever see 4. I believe there should be 10 but have not seen them turn on. I’ve…
Why is my Nanit so dark?
Hi there, suddenly we can’t see our daughter properly and the image is very dark - the night vision seems to be malfunctioning. Can you please help? Thanks!
Night Vision is on but I can’t see anything, including my baby, at night
I have the Nanit Pro- there are 4 small red dot lights that come on when the room is dark. I have night vision set to auto and the red dots go off when there is light in the room. I cannot see anything on the camera when it gets dark in the room. If I put my hand about 2 feet under the monitor I am able to see it only. The…
Camera clicking noise
My camera makes a clicking noise anytime anyone views it on the app and it wakes my baby up. I thought it was all nanits until i got one for my newborn and it doesn’t click at all ever. My first one seems defective. Is there a way to fix the clicking noise? It also seems to make it randomly. I’ve already restarted,…
Nanit red lights not working for night vision
the red light stopped working on our Nanit cam. Now I cannot see at night. Using app version 3.11.25. Have Nanit bundle pro. This just started two days ago and have reset it, Reconnected Wi-Fi ,power Cycled nothing has worked.
Night vision not working
I just bought and set up my camera but when I turn the lights off, night vision does not work at all even though it’s turned on. What could be the issue?
Night Vision Not Working
Up until a few days ago, the night vision mode on my Nanit camera was working perfectly fine. Suddenly, in the evening time it’s pitch black in my daughter’s crib and I can no longer see her. Even when the nightlight is on, we can still barely see her on camera. What’s going on?
Quick access to “night vision” switch
My son has caught onto the red lights on the camera when we are using night vision and stares straight at the camera crying or whining until we come in. With night vision off, he is less likely to do this. Turning night vision on and off requires going into the “advanced settings menu” to toggle on and off. A great quality…
Night vision not working
My Nanit looks the same as always with the four red lights on the camera, but all of the sudden the night vision stopped working and I can’t see anything. I tried to reset several times but nothing has worked. Anyone know how to fix the issue?