turn off white noise sound
the nanit all of a sudden is playing white noise out of nowhere. how do i turn it off? i searched the forum and the capability seems to be missing from my setting?
My Nanit Pro has no audio coming from it
My Nanit Pro camera attached with a floor stand has no audio coming from it at all (microphone or nature sounds). I have tried rebooting, power cycling, reseting the camera; all to no avail. It is currently on Firmware 6.44.592 (same as our other camera which we access via the same app and works fine). Other than the sound…
Noise and light not working
White noise or nature noise stopped working suddenly. Microphone and light not working either. Buttons show as working but sound or light do not come out from the device. Otherwise camera is connected and I can hear and see the babies. I tried restarting and resetting camera and app and nothing worked!
Nature sounds not playing
THe app shows the nature sounds are playing, but the camera is not playing any nature sounds or white noise. It's been almost a week. I've done all the troubleshooting, power cycling, uninstalling/reinstalling the app, restarting my phone, all together or as separate steps and nothing is working. My husband's phone is…
White Noise and Microphone Audio Not Working
White noise function and the microphone function are not working at all. Basically no sound will come out of the Nanit. The nightlight function works fine, but nothing with sound. i have already tried rebooting the Nanit, reconnecting to network, rebooted router (within fine range), deleted and re-downloaded the Nanit app.…
White Noise Too Quiet
The white noise volume suddenly dropped and is too queit on my daughters nanit. It was totally fine for over two years.I have two and the other one is at least double the volume. I've power cycled, reinstalled the app, and using other devices makes. Please help, thank you.
No Nature Sounds
We currently have no nature sounds or white noise on our camera. When we attempt to start a sound there is a short buzzing noise and then nothing. We can hear audio from the camera in the app, but cannot talk through the camera in the app. We have done a hard reset, and we have toggled the Nature Sound setting off and then…
Nanit App Playing Nature Sounds, Even Though Room is Silent
When I pull up the Nanit app on my phone, I hear rain noises play, even though all ‘Nature Sounds’ are turned off on the app. The nursery itself is silent (no other white noise machines in the nursery). My partner is experiencing the same issue on his phone. Any advice on how to resolve?
Why was bird-chirping sound turned on middle of night
Just now 6am my son was crying and when we went soothing him noticed the bird sound was turned on. Checked video history realized it was turned on since 4:12am and worst part not by any of us in the house! Recently at times (once yesterday morning) I was not about to turn off nature sounds opened by my husband from my…
No nature sounds and no two way communication
my nanit pro just suddenly within the past two days has no nature sounds even if turned on in the app. The microphone two way communication is also not working. I did a hard reset several times. I did plug and unplug method but nothing. My nanit plus are older than this nanit pro but have no issues like this. Please help.…
Nanit Sound and Light Machine with no available sounds
When using the Sound&Light app, I am able to control the machine, which can power it on and off with the light on, but there are no sounds available. Whenever I try to choose the sounds, the message 'The soundtrack is downloading and will be available soon' always appears. Resetting the machine or deleting the app and…
Nature Sounds Not Working
The nature sounds function has randomly stopped working. We use the white noise for all naps and bedtime. We have tried unplugging both from the wall and stand, disconnecting and reconnecting our wifi, etc, and can’t figure out why it won’t work. Everything else on the app and camera is functioning. Nothing had changed.…
White Noise Volume EXTREMELY LOW
Yet another issue with our Nanit Pro camera. This is really getting out of hand to be honest. Now the white noise volume output on the camera itself is extremely low, you can barely hear it at max volume. I have read over 7+ pages of people having the same issue and the same recommendations for a fix are repeated over and…
White noise cutting out and scaring my baby awake
I'm so beyond mad at this app and camera. This has happened multiple times and it's beyond hard to try and get baby to go back to sleep. This needs to be fixed immediately as I am now scared to use this feature. The white noise function we use every day for naps and night time it helps my baby sleep until recently it…
No sound control
We can no longer control our sound options for the Nanit. The button to play white noise, birds, waves etc is gone completely. White noise was playing last and we now cannot turn that off. Please help ASAP. Brennanrcb