Ipad Night time mode bug
Does anyone know why when viewing the nanit on my iPad only 2/3 of the screen goes to nighttime mode and the other 1/3 still remains full brightness
Option to turn off Lost Connection notification
I need an option to turn off the Lost Connection motivation. It triggers so frequently and 99% of the time the camera is still connected anyway - so it’s a false notification! What’s worse is the notification goes to my watch and wakes me up. I want the noise and motion ones to wake me but not a false lost connection…
I need to delete a profile as a camera wasn’t working and I added a new one
we recently purchased a new Nanit as our old one stopped working. I have added the new camera, but need to delete the other one.
Nanit App Playing Nature Sounds, Even Though Room is Silent
When I pull up the Nanit app on my phone, I hear rain noises play, even though all ‘Nature Sounds’ are turned off on the app. The nursery itself is silent (no other white noise machines in the nursery). My partner is experiencing the same issue on his phone. Any advice on how to resolve?
My nanit app shows the wrong time in some places
on the main app screen, when my baby is sleeping it says, "Hi XX, I have been asleep for X hours and Y minutes". But the time it gives is off by 15-30 minutes. I've tried turning off the nanit for 10 minutes, restarting the app, signing out and back in, and even deleting the app and redownloading it. But nothing fixes it.…
Server error when trying to log in to an app
I’m unable to log back in to Nanit app after I purchased additional subscription. I’ve tried removing an app and connecting to different Wi-Fi and restarting my 1gig router but I still have an issue.
Camera/app is basically worthless with how it is constantly buffering
I have the Nanit pro and the video feed is constantly buffering. I have been using it for almost 4 weeks and this has been my experience the entire time. At best I get basically a snapshot every couple of seconds but more often it takes 15-20 seconds (sometimes more) to load only to provide 1-2 seconds of video before it…
iOS app different than android?
my husband has a Google pixel something and I have an iPhone 13 Pro Max. When his app last updated, it has much better features than mine which is up to date. We have two daughters and he’s able to swipe between cameras instead of going into the sidebar and selecting a camera. When he uses split screen he has all the…
Bringing back an age notification
I'm on my 3rd kid using a Nanit. I actually got a second Nanit when we had our second kid. With the first 2 I didn't have to worry about getting those nice popups that they were 'x' months old as the cameras were connected to each kid. Of course being the stereotypical 3rd kid, I forgot they didn't have connected profile…
How do I save or download videos with sound?
Hi there, how do I save/download video with audio using the latest Nanit? Previous versions allowed direct download of the videos through the Share feature, seems like that’s no longer available.. Please help. Screen recording doesn’t work since there’s no audio. Also can I speed up the video history so I can quickly watch…
Nanit pulling in wrong time
Hi, my Nanit is showing times that are off by about an hour. I’ve tried all the troubleshooting other posters have mentioned (unplugging, restarting, etc) and it consistently shows the wrong times in the activity feed. It sounds like other posters are having this issue, is there a bug fix in the works?
Memories Subscription not showing up after re-pairing
I had to re-pair my nanit camera due to the temperature feature not working. When I connected it again, it did not recognize my memories subscription and it’s asking me to purchase it again for the second time in 2 months. Please assist
Activity log missing hours of video
I went to look back at the video history on the app for last night and it’s missing video from 8:00pm-12:00am. Does anyone know why this would happen? I have no notifications that there was any connectivity issues. This is extremely frustrating, because what if something had happened during those hours and I have no way of…
Quick access to “night vision” switch
My son has caught onto the red lights on the camera when we are using night vision and stares straight at the camera crying or whining until we come in. With night vision off, he is less likely to do this. Turning night vision on and off requires going into the “advanced settings menu” to toggle on and off. A great quality…
Help! Nanit insights faulty. Not reading when baby is asleep! Can anyone please help?
clearly the baby wasn’t awake the whole night! Please help. I’ve been contacting Nanit and they are offering no help except from constantly restarting the app and camera.