Option to turn off Lost Connection notification
I need an option to turn off the Lost Connection motivation. It triggers so frequently and 99% of the time the camera is still connected anyway - so it’s a false notification! What’s worse is the notification goes to my watch and wakes me up. I want the noise and motion ones to wake me but not a false lost connection…
Silent Feature
Hi Nanit fam! Last night during a particularly challenging overnight I thought of a suggestion for the app development team. My husband and I keep one of our phones on for the Nanit so we can hear our 6 month old wake overnight in his nursery. I leave the app open with the sound on face-down on my nightstand. I ended up…
Is there any way to disable the share page after taking a screenshot?
I usually use screenshots to get a timestamp of when our baby falls asleep or wakes up. I've never once went to share them. With the recent(is) update that adds a share screen after each screenshot, it's just super annoying to have to dismiss it every time. I'd say, of 70 times it's popped up, all 70 my only action is to…
App Doesn't Show Temp or Humidity
I've had this camera and wall mount now for almost 2 years and I can confidently say that the temp+humidity has only worked 14 days in total over the last 20 months. I have tried countless times unplugging the camera from the stand, unplugging the stand from the wall, making sure firmware is updated, etc. and that only…
Week’s activities app crashing
anyone else having issues with app crashing everytime you click on WEEK in the activities tab? I was able to view then yesterday but then after half a day of being a Nanit parent, entire app keeps crashing. I already tried restarting phone, and deleting and reinstalling app
Problem with "Play sound when monitoring ends" setting
Last night I toggled the "Play sound when monitoring ends" setting to OFF for the Nanit camera, so as not to have the very loud chime wake our baby. But when I turned off monitoring, the chime happened anyways! It seems the setting needs to be toggled off on BOTH my phone and my wife's. This doesn't make sense -- the…
Activity log missing hours of video
I went to look back at the video history on the app for last night and it’s missing video from 8:00pm-12:00am. Does anyone know why this would happen? I have no notifications that there was any connectivity issues. This is extremely frustrating, because what if something had happened during those hours and I have no way of…
Is there no Android Tablet Support?
I switch from an old iPad to a Google Pixel Tablet and to my surprise the app isn’t formatted for a tablet screen. The experience is far worst that on the iPad. Am I doing something wrong?
Movement map is way off
Nanit Pro App version: 3.9.17 (545) Camera firmware version: 6.17.506 The movement map is way off, I've uploaded some screenshots of the clips, from several days. It's never generated a correct movement map.
Memories save
is there a way I can save all the videos under “memories” all at once? Bulk download? I know I can do each video separately but I’d like to download all of them at once. Is this possible? It’ll save me a lot of time. Thanks!
Month milestone missing from memory tab
Hi all! my LO turned 8 months today. I’ve been saving all the Nanit age announcement screenshots because I think they’re adorable. This morning I accidentally closed the pop up and now it’s not appearing in my memories tab! how do i get it to reappear? Is there a way to regenerate it? Or is there a template online that I…