Nightlight timer
We love the nightlight as it offers a subtle glow for the nightfeeding and checking on our baby. We use it every day but more often than not we forget to switch it off in the morning as once daylight hits the room you can’t tell it’s on. can you please develop a 6/8 hour auto shut off timer or even better set a time to…
FEATURE REQUEST: White noise reduction
it would be great if the Nanit could remove background white noise. We use a Hatch and the background noise is quite loud and the sound cuts out occasionally which causes disruption in sleep.
Option to turn off Lost Connection notification
I need an option to turn off the Lost Connection motivation. It triggers so frequently and 99% of the time the camera is still connected anyway - so it’s a false notification! What’s worse is the notification goes to my watch and wakes me up. I want the noise and motion ones to wake me but not a false lost connection…
Apple TV App
Ideally app would have similar or identical functionality but most importantly Picture in Picture and notifications (while not in app, like homekit notifications when a door opens). This seems like a no brainer to me and should be simple enough to port over to the TvOS. For me its cumbersome to have to constantly reach for…
Silent Feature
Hi Nanit fam! Last night during a particularly challenging overnight I thought of a suggestion for the app development team. My husband and I keep one of our phones on for the Nanit so we can hear our 6 month old wake overnight in his nursery. I leave the app open with the sound on face-down on my nightstand. I ended up…
Feature Request - Turn off notifications when out of the crib
Hi All, id like to request a feature that I think there should be all the building blocks to implement - bearing in mind via insights it seems Nanit knows when there is a baby in the crib or not I would like a user selectable option to send notifications based on this. the use case here is that our room is used with the…
Is there a reason why the iPad Nanit app opts out of the Vision Pro App Store
While Vision Pro supports running iPad apps, I can't find the Nanit app in the App Store. Did the team decide to opt out the iPad app on Vision Pro? I wonder if you can share the reasoning and if you have plans to build a native app for Vision Pro. Thanks!
Notification Snooze Feature Request
On the RING cam app, when a notification pops up when a gardener is working outside or something, we are able to snooze it for 30 min to 1 hour. The nanit notifications should have a similar snooze feature on notifications. Our nanit notifies us constantly throughout the day due to passing cars affecting the light in the…
Breathing Band Beyond 24 Months
Is there a reason for not having an older than 24 month breathing band? Our child is now 2 years old but it would be great to keep monitoring while she is still in a crib.
I use the Nanit Pro with the floor stand and it’s too high for the Snoo bassinet. 50% of the screen is not the baby and in order to see her I have to pinch zoom each time. It would be great to be able to permanently set a zoom in the settings that shows up on the split screen and regular views
Landscape mode for new Pixel Android tablet
I just bought the new Pixel Tablet that comes with a dock, as it felt like the perfect thing to have for the Nanit app. We could leave the dock in our bedroom and take the tablet around the house whenever we wanted. But, apparently, the Nanit app doesn't support portrait mode on Android. Is that the case? It works well on…
iOS app different than android?
my husband has a Google pixel something and I have an iPhone 13 Pro Max. When his app last updated, it has much better features than mine which is up to date. We have two daughters and he’s able to swipe between cameras instead of going into the sidebar and selecting a camera. When he uses split screen he has all the…
Feature Request - Manually Adjust the Humidity Reading
Hello, I’ve recently been dealing with some humidity issues in my home. As part of this I’ve learned about hygrometers and how the accuracy tends to drift over time and can need calibration. I now have properly calibrated hygrometers in my home and when compared to the my Nanit these readings are around 10% lower. It’s not…
Manually adding nap times to keep insights consistent
is there a way I can manually put in length/duration of naps that my baby takes at daycare so I can take full advantage of the premium insights? Or have a section of “naps taken outside crib/at daycare/ school” ? It would be nice to see holistically all my baby’s sleep data in one place.