🎥 Parenthood Unfiltered Series March 2025 | Schedule of Events
Join expert-led webinars covering teething myths, nap transitions, toddler independence, and more! RSVP below ⬇️ and let’s make sleep a little easier—one night at a time! 3/24 @ 12pm ET: The Truth About Teething + Sleep 3/25 @ 1pm ET: Newborn Sleep Workshop: Building Healthy Habits (0-3 months) 3/26 @12pm ET: Infant Sleep…
Introducing Nanit x Summer Health ☀️
It's bedtime and your baby (or toddler) won’t stop coughing. Now what? You could spend hours Googling with no resolve, or hope they’ll recreate the cough for the pediatrician once you get there (Ha!). But here’s the good news – now you can get answers in 15 minutes or less using real data and video history. Nanit and…
🎬 Nanit’s Cutest Casting Call – Share Your Favorite Moments!
We know Nanit helps parents capture some of the most unforgettable moments, and we’d love to see yours! Has your baby recently said “Mama” or “Dada”? We’d love to see those adorable and hilarious moments. Whether it’s a clear word or an adorable attempt, or Mama 100 times over! If you have a moment like this captured on…
💬 Back to Routines "Ask Me Anything" with Maristella Lucchini PhD
Ask Nanit Lab's Maristella Lucchini, PhD Anything about getting back to routine in the New Year! For many of us, our routines got out of whack over the holidays. Maristella is here to help! We invite you to share your routine + sleep questions or concerns below (feel free to share your Nanit captured data too!) so…
Introduce Yourself!
Hi everyone! 👋 We’re so happy for you to be a part of our community and have a chance to connect with other fellow users and share knowledge! 🤗 Go ahead and introduce yourself here by commenting below 👇 - share about yourself and your loved ones! Feel free to share pictures or any other information (and please be sure to…
Webinar Recap 🎥 Talking TTC + Fertility
We partnered up with Conceive, an always-on connected care platform for fertility and pregnancy, to host an open dialogue around the challenges of trying to conceive, including secondary infertility, mental health + supporting your partner. Conceive offers 24/7 text based support from nurses and peer coaches, offering…
Self soothing not working
I can’t figure out how to help my daughter self soothe. She won’t sleep unless she is being held. She falls asleep on the boob, or being held with music on. When I try to put her down, she cries until she is picked up again.
Transition from 3 to 2 naps
hi. My 9.5 month old son recently is transitioning to 2 naps. When we are home he does great- nap around 2.5 hours after wake up unless he is tired. Then an afternoon nap around 1-130. But at daycare he barely sleeps! We have discussed many times and he is just too nosy or has FOMO. So, his last wake window seems to be too…
Multiple wakings throughout the night
Our 9month old has never been a good sleeper. We hired a sleep consultant to teach us to let him fall asleep independently which worked great. However, he still wakes up multiple times a night looking for his pacifier. If we don’t give it to him fast enough, he begins to cry and it becomes harder to get him back to sleep.…
9 month old short naps and early morning wakings
For about 3 months my baby has taken mostly 30-40 minute naps and wakes at 5-5:30am in the morning. We have tried everything. He is sleep trained and falls asleep independently. We always leave him in the crib for at least 20 minutes after a short nap to give him a chance to resettle, and we never take him out of the crib…
Alerts or notifications for babies rolling over?
Does the Nanit Pro offer alerts or notifications for when the baby rolls over? I'm less concerned about capturing Milestones, and more concerned here with sleep safety. For example, if a 5 month old rolls over (i.e. back to tummy) during sleep, does Nanit offer the option to receive an alert or notification?
What to wear underneath the Nanit swaddle?
Hi - first time mum here! I am struggling with knowing what to put baby in safely underneath the swaddle breathing wear sold by Nanit. There is no tog rating on the packaging or online. Our room temperature is usually around 21 degrees. Can anybody help?
Sleep Schedule for Twins
Hi Dr. Barnett, I have twin 15 month old boys that have never consistently slept through the night. My husband and I have tried just about everything you could think of to get them to sleep, but nothing seems to work. The boys are in separate rooms so they don’t wake each other up. And we’ve had to move one of my sons…
Help! 4mo baby fights sleep
hi! I’m so happy you’re doing this! Ever since going cold turkey with the binky two weeks ago my soon to be 4 month old has been SCREAMING as soon as any sleep routine starts, and is inconsolable unless picked up. He can self soothe at night, but this week he went from waking up once and self settling to every 45 mins…
Enhanced Google home integration
Google home integration happened a few months ago (which is awesome!) however, it seems that the video feed only works on the nest hub. I would like to see the video feed to work on the Android app as currently it will only show a black screen when the camera is on. Also I would like to see more interactions with the…
Almost 3 year old suddenly waking at night
Our Son turns 3 in January. He was always a good sleeper as we was on the Nanit program since 2 months of age. He doesn’t currently nap during the day we had to drop this earlier this year because he was having a lot of night wakings. He has a new sibling that arrived 2 months ago and still managed to sleep through the…
False Alert using Sleep Sack
We have been using the Nanit and the sleep bands and love it with no issue. However during the Black Friday sale, I got two sleep sacks that have the bands on the sack. We have used the sack the last two nights, and for two nights in a row, we have gotten false red alerts. When using the band, no issue. But when using the…
7 MO Sleep Through the Night
Hello! My son is 7 months old and goes to bed at 7. He chose this time a couple months ago. He wakes up every 3 hours still to eat. Sometimes it’s only for a couple minutes. He is BF and we have a humidifier in the room. We keep it around 70 degrees and 50% humidity. He doesn’t eat a lot at a time but he eats frequently…
Won’t sleep without me
My daughter came after we had a still born at 36 weeks. When she was born and had temp regulation issues and a was a premie, the hospital insisted on skin to skin to help and my daughter was hooked. We are now 15 months and I’m still fighting to get her out my bed, out my arms, and in her crib or bassinet. I’ve tried…
Sleeping Routine
My little boy is 6 months old and we are struggling with setting a sleeping routine. He was poorly before Christmas with cough and fever, he is still coughing now during the night. We have started weaning and he is happy to eat, however he is not able to sleep through the night. He wakes up wanted to drink his frolppp
2 Year Old Sleep Struggles - Nightmare
As of late my two-year-old has been struggling for naps and bedtime. Previously we would just put her down for naps and bedtime and she would lay there quietly and fall asleep on her own. The last 3+ weeks have been a nightmare, to say the least. We have a 7.5-month-old as well so not sure if that has anything to do with…