Transitioning From Our Room to His
Ok. My son has co-slept with us (practicing the safe 7 and please don't hate, it was our choice, due to a few issues with his room, including temperature problems 🥵🥶🤯). We're working on transitioning him to his room and his toddler bed, now that he's 2+, and now that we've found a way to keep his room within acceptable…
💬"Ask Me Anything" about Getting your Baby on a Sleep Schedule with Dr. Natalie Barnett - Extended!
Ask Dr. Natalie Barnett Anything about getting your baby on a sleep schedule! Post your questions below July 12th through July 16th at 11:59 pm ET. Dr. Natalie Barnett serves as Director of Clinical Research at Nanit. In her role, Natalie oversees collaborations with researchers at hospitals and universities around the…
We want to hear from you! Tell us about your Nanit Experience!
We are working on a video series and would love to include you and your personal story. This will be used for audio and video purposes. It may appear on the That’s Total Mom Sense podcast as well. Please upload your video file in the field below. As a thank you for your time, you will be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift…
Separation Anxiety
I have a 16 month old who hit a sleep regression with major separation anxiety. We were able to get nights back on track with sleep training but her naps are terrible. She either naps 30 minutes or won’t go down at all and is screaming and clutching at mom. Any sleep related tips to help? How long does this last and how do…
Bed time Routine
Our little one is 10months old and she takes 2 naps in the day time and while she sleeps usually we give her milk and leave her in the crib most of the time she plays for few minutes and soothes herself and sleeps but when it comes to the night time we started to set a sleep routine by putting her to sleep by 8:30PM, it is…
Hi! Our son is going to be three months old on the 15th! He’s been getting good at night most recently going to be around 7, with our normal nighttime routine. Then waking up at around 2-3am for a feed and then up again at 630 for the day. but now, with the same bedtime time and routine, he’s been getting up at 1, 330, 530…
Sleep regression
My dgtr turned 16 months recently. Her sleep since making 1 year has been horrible! She use to sleep through the night and now wakes all the time!!! She either wakes bc she looks for us or her paci. Now it’s come to the point we have to sleep in the room on the floor bc she wakes so much. I hear this is a phase of babies…
Split sleep
Advice welcome please! For the past month my 18 month old has started waking for 1-2 hours in the night. He is not upset and does not cry. He is restless and awake. He goes to bed at 7pm and wakes between 6:15-7am. He naps approx 12-1:30. At night he falls asleep independently with his dummy and blanket. When we are out…
Tips for the full roll?
We have an almost 5 month old and he has long mastered the back to front roll, but he's been stuck on the front to back roll for a couple of weeks. Does anyone have any tips for getting over this hump?
Staying asleep once down
We are having trouble getting our 7 month old to stay asleep. She'll sleep for a few hours then wake up, you hold her and she'll go back to sleep but once you go to put her back in the crib fuhgetaboutit! Wakes up every time! Any tips or tricks to get her down without waking up? TIA.
Does anybody have a baby that’s still in the NICU?
Our baby was born early at 34 weeks. I had preeclampsia. But she still in the NICU. And it’s been really really hard being away from her. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
How to I get my 11 week old from needing to be held to sleep?
I go back to work tomorrow and my mom will have him while I work till we can get into daycare. Every time I try to lay him down during naps he starts wailing and only wants to sleep in my arms Gramma or daycare won't do that. Any tips? At night he is fine in the crib. I don't get it.
Anyone else a deep sleeper?
We moved my son to his crib at 9 weeks in his nursery because he rolled to his side so bassinet is no longer safe. I have sound all the way up and sometimes my baby wakes up abd puts himself back to sleep but I noticed when he crys sometimes I'm not waking up to it abd I feel like a horrible mama. Any tipz
How is everyone doing for real?
Hey everyone how's everyone doing with this whole parenting thing lol
Early Morning Wake Ups
Any advice for getting my 13 month old to sleep past 5:30 am? He is down to 1 nap (2 and a half hours), so we pushed his bedtime up to 7:00 am. He falls asleep independently and sleeps through the night. He's always been an early riser, but we would take 6:00 over 5:30 any day!