Can Nanit see vomit in night vision mode?
Can Nanit see vomit in night vision mode? My 9 month old has thrown up twice tonight. The first time we forgot to turn on the camera after coming home from a family party this evening, and the second time it happened when we went in to plug the camera back in. We have the door open across the hall so that we can hear if he…
Hi, my son is 11 month old and he absolutely needs the bottle to fall asleep. When we remove the bottle, he would cry for 1.5h until we give him the bottle again to fall asleep on the bottle. I tried singing sons, playing lullaby, read a book, take him in my arms, give him a pacifier, give him a teddy bear but nothing…
Falling asleep on their own
The app keeps telling me to try and put the baby to sleep awake in her crib instead of letting her fall asleep while nursing or being rocked. I know that's the goal, but would love if the app can provide some guidance as to how to actually do that without the baby crying her head off when putting her down in the bassinet.…
how to get LO to fall asleep laying down?
so.. need advice! I recently just started sleep training 3 nights ago. the first two nights were lots of crying, really tough and I ended up giving up at some point. the thing is my son just sits, and fights sleep. He will fall asleep sitting and jolt awake every time he starts to lay down.. when I lay him down myself he…
Have you tried any of these unusual ways to get baby to sleep?
We’ve all been there - baby just won’t go to sleep. You aren’t the first parent who’s had to go beyond the normal bedtime routine to get baby to sleep. 💤 What works for you when your normal routine isn't doing the trick?
Anyone sleep in w their LO
I find that some days she can sleep in but now I’m wondering if it’s affecting her nap schedules basically on days i WFH- I tend to wake up later so she will also sleep in w me anyone else guilty of this? Thinking I should break the pattern so it’s more consistent
What is going on with my 5mo
He was doing SOO good… waking once for a quick feed between 4-5 and I was getting so excited… he goes down every night at 7. the last week or so… he’s up every 30minutes for the first half… i went from 1-2 visits to 8-9… no idea whats going on… :(
Help baby self soothe to sleep 7 month
We have been "sleep training" for a few months now, she is good about taking naps throughout the day about 3-4 (short 30 min..if we are lucky an hour every so often) but has not been able to self soothe to sleep more than probably 2 times. She is rolling so sleeps in a sleep sack..but loves to roll around and flare her…
Scammed by Nanit Cash Grab!
So paying several hundred dollars for a glitchy camera isn’t enough? Just saw the cash grab when I tried to view my son’s moment from earlier tonight. The arrogance to charge $120 or $300 a year to use the camera’s functionality is incredible. Definitely will make sure any other young parents I meet will stay away from…
How to get my 3 month old baby to nap without being held the entire time?
My 3 month old baby won’t take naps during the day unless she’s constantly being held. The minute you put her in her pack and play or crib she wakes herself up and starts to cry until she’s picked up. This happens all the time ad it makes it hard to get anything done. She has no issues sleeping in her crib at night. We…
My 3mo doesnt sleep through the night
My 3 month old used to sleep 7-8 hours at night but now he is back to waking up 3 times at night. I am very tired. I exclusively pump for my baby and He eats like 1100 ml a day so he is not hungry. What can I do to make him sleep better? ( he also pushes the paci out, I have to trick him with a bottle first)
How is 4 visits in a night considered “good”?
We’re going nuts over here with our 6 month old. Screams from a dead sleep every 25-40 minutes from bedtime on. Something’s gotta give, right? Yes, we’ve tried all the methods. She can’t stay asleep and she can’t self soothe.
Postnatal Fitness Tips from NYC Personal Trainer Amanda Butler
Today is Women's Health & Fitness Day and we are bringing you postnatal fitness tips from Amanda Butler, a personal trainer in NYC and mother of 3!
Prenatal Fitness Tips from NYC Personal Trainer Amanda Butler
In honor of Women's Health & Fitness Day we are bringing you on-demand pre-natal fitness tips from NYC-based personal trainer and mom of 3, Amanda Butler! Check out Amanda's tips in the video below - filmed on her rooftop in NYC, so apologies for any background noise! How do you make time for yourself during your pregnancy…
💬 "Ask Me Anything" about Safe Sleep Environments with Dr. Natalie Barnet
The AMA will begin on September 20th at 9 am ET through September 24th at 11:59 PM ET. The thread will open when the AMA begins. September is Baby Safety Month! Ask Dr. Natalie Barnett Anything about safe sleep environments. Dr. Natalie Barnett serves as Director of Clinical Research at Nanit. In her role, Natalie oversees…