6 month sleep regression?
hey all my 6 month old wakes up around either 12-1 am and refuses to go back to sleep for at least 2-3 hours I let her cry a little but nothing seems to be working unless we rock her or comfort her back to sleep. Her bed time is 8:00 pm she is always tired right before 8:00. I give her a bottle like 3-4 oz and rock her to…
💬 "Ask Me Anything" about Daylight Saving | March 2024
Get ready for the upcoming time change with Nanit Lab's Dr. Natalie Barnett. Natalie will be answering all your questions about preparing for the change and helping your little ones adjust. Don't forget to check out our to get a head start! Scroll down and comment your question below ⬇️ Dr. Natalie Barnett serves as VP of…
Sleep deprivation - Help!
My little one sleeps through the night like a champ but I'm so anxious and paranoid that I'm not sleeping well. Any tips for having restful sleep?
🌙 Giveaway: Win a Private Sleep Consultation with Dr. Natalie Barnett! | February 2024
Are you in need of sleep help this February? Share a screenshot of your Nanit Sleep Dashboard and include what challenges you are currently experiencing with your little one(s) sleep on this thread between now and 2/29/2024! We will select 3 winners to have a private virtual sleep consultation with our very own Dr. Natalie…
💕 Giveaway: Share your special Morning Pickup moments and win! | February 2024
Hey Nanit Family! This month we're spreading the love with a special giveaway just for you, to celebrate those special moments of love and connection with your little one. One winner will get a Sound + Light, plus three pieces of Sleep Wear in our new spring hues (a few pictured below!). To enter, simply share your…
2 Nanits?
Hey all! my daughter is almost 2 and we will have a little sister arriving in July. We are going to keep her in a separate room than her sister and both will be upstairs. We are getting a big girl bed for her new room and I’m contemplating if we get another nanit pro or just do a light for her. I think I read the light can…
8 Month Old - Stands & Falls
Am struggling with my 8 month old’s sleep. Ever since we put him into his own room 2 months ago we’ve had broken sleep. Up every 90 or so minutes, and between 4-6am refuses to go back into his cot 😴 He’s VERY strong willed. We tried gentle sleep training and he just got more angry with us being in his room. Extinction…
🎥 Registry Real Talk February 2024 Recap + Offer
In case you missed it - catch the recap of this week’s Registry Real Talk event! Hosts Meghan Trainor, Daryl Sabara, Jen Labracio, and Alicia Quarles of Babylist led a conversation about the good, the bad, and the necessary when it comes to registry - to help you figure out what you *actually* need. 👇 Check out the…
Contact naps and wakeup during night
My baby just turned 4 months and we are first time parents. During the day time he sleeps in my arms by rocking and patting. I tried multiple times to put him in his crib once he is asleep, but he wakes up most of the times within 10 min. During the night he sleeps by rocking and patting and sleeps in his crib longer for…
💬 Ask a doula + health coach anything about wellness for pregnancy, postpartum, and parenting
Ask Jess anything about prioritizing your wellness as a parent! Jess Baumgardner is an expert in wellbeing for pregnancy, postpartum and parenthood. She provides childbirth education & support for parents like you - seeking guidance and knowledge before, during, and after birth. Feel confident and prepared to make the best…
January 2024 Snooze Stats are HERE 😴
January 2024 Snooze Stats It’s all about the sweet, sweet ZZZs! When you look at your sleep dashboard or weekly Insights emails, you may wonder: How does my baby’s sleep compare to other Nanit kiddos? Each month, we at Nanit track the sleep of hundreds of thousands of babies. This allows us to not only provide you with…
3 hour long naps at 7 months
my baby is 7 months and is just starting to nap for longer than 30 mins (consistently) in her crib. She’s been clocking some 2 hour naps but twice now she’s slept for 3 hours!! I’ve woken her at the 3 hour mark because I don’t want it to mess her routine but is this ok? She I be capping naps at 2 hours? She also just…
Tips for better sleep at 7 m/o needed :)
hello! i have a 7 month old baby girl, sleep never came easy for her but with much effort she’s lengthened her night sleep to 6-7 hr for the biggest stretch at 11 pm. I put her to sleep at 7-8 pm nursing her and rocking her to sleep for night time. During the day she takes most days 3 naps or sometimes only 2. For a total…
Sleep training.
My 7 month old absolutely will not go to sleep if she is put down in her crib awake. I've tried multiple times nomatter how exhausted she is l, if she's not already asleep when I put her down then she's not having it. There have been multiple nights when I've tried to let her cry it out. And after 3 to 5 hours straight of…
Video choppy
for the past week, my video recordings have been intermittent and so choppy. I can’t see my baby’s progress throughout the night since the video record’s intermittently. Anyone else having this issue?