Nanit Cam Not Working
Hello. My Nanit Original camera is not working. We recently switched internet providers and when I went to connect my Nanit to the new network, I ran into connectivity issues. I have tried all of the restart methods. When I plug my Nanit camera back in (with power cycle method) the IR lights come on; however, when the WIFI…
Cannot reconnect my nanit to wifi
hi, i have had my nanit for almost 3 years but last week it lost connextion to the wifi and I can no longer troubleshoot it. I restarted my home router, then restarted the camera and still there is no flashing light coming up. When i press the button, nothing happens and the camera does not even try to connect. Please help…
Camera will not connect to my wifi
I have done ALL of the trouble shooting. Re-downloaded the app, reconnected the wifi, hard reset the camera... nothing works. Infared lights come on, but it won't connect.. it's driving me insane. Hubby is currently our buying a new baby monitor so we have one for the night. How do I fix this... this camera cost way too…
Reset nanit camera
need to reset the camera to a different user
Red IR lights come on when plugged in but the button doesn't do anything
This is the title to an original thread that was closed in July. I am having the exact same problem and have tried ALL the posted solutions. Nothing has worked and both of our cameras encountered the exact issue at the exact same time. This started yesterday August 30th over night. They were both working fine when we put…
Did this morning's camera firmware update disrupt live stream for anyone else's Nanit Pro camera?
I already opened a ticket but checking to see if anyone else is affected. At the moment all of Nanit's system statuses are reporting green. This morning when I opened the Nanit app around 7:30AM to check the time our son woke up, and it prompted for a camera firmware update. I clicked yes to apply it as we normally do. The…
nanit camera wifi name or mac address
I am trying to find what is the mac address of the nanit device or the name assigned to nanit camera when connected to wifi network. This helps with setting up iot network properly