Hello, my 8 month old has been waking up between 5:00 & 5:30am for the past 6 weeks or so, with the occasional 6:15am wake up. I’ve got white noise, good shutters to keep light out (sunrise is 6:20am right now anyway), have moved his bedtime 30 min earlier for the past 2 weeks and have tried to push his first nap to at…
My son used to wake up between 7-8 am. He’s 10 months old and I have issues with him waking up at 6 when he used to wake up around 7-8am. He’s taking 2 naps and sleeps through out the night but he’s not a very good napper, never has been haha
Anyone else have issues putting their baby down for a nap in the late afternoon/early evening? My son is two months old and we always struggle with naptime if it's around the 4-6pm mark!
How do you dress your baby with nanit band for nighttime? We have a band and we have a sack, I put a footed onesie with the sack and for night we use the band I put the band over a different sleep sack with footed onesie. Just curious if anyone dresses baby like they show on the ads for the band, with just a onesie and…
My daughter turned 11months and lately her behaviour changed, before in the morning during her naps we usually feed her and put her in the crib she plays and sleep, this was her routing for morning and afternoon naps and for the night sleep it usually takes time to put her to sleep as she cries or get cranky but now even…
Our little one is 10months old and she takes 2 naps in the day time and while she sleeps usually we give her milk and leave her in the crib most of the time she plays for few minutes and soothes herself and sleeps but when it comes to the night time we started to set a sleep routine by putting her to sleep by 8:30PM, it is…
We are having trouble getting our 7 month old to stay asleep. She'll sleep for a few hours then wake up, you hold her and she'll go back to sleep but once you go to put her back in the crib fuhgetaboutit! Wakes up every time! Any tips or tricks to get her down without waking up? TIA.
I go back to work tomorrow and my mom will have him while I work till we can get into daycare. Every time I try to lay him down during naps he starts wailing and only wants to sleep in my arms Gramma or daycare won't do that. Any tips? At night he is fine in the crib. I don't get it.
Any advice for getting my 13 month old to sleep past 5:30 am? He is down to 1 nap (2 and a half hours), so we pushed his bedtime up to 7:00 am. He falls asleep independently and sleeps through the night. He's always been an early riser, but we would take 6:00 over 5:30 any day!
Hello all, Just wondering if anyone has any advice relating to changing naptimes due to starting daycare. Our son is turning one in a few days and has just started at daycare. He usually naps twice a day from around 9:30-11am and then from 3-4pm. The daycare usually only has one naptime, around 1pm. Should we continue to…
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