Sound Not working
our sound stopped working on our app when our camera is on within the last week or two. We have unplugged the camera and the cord to the wall multiple times and still not working. We need the sound or the camera isn’t that helpful.
No Sound
Ever since the app updated, the sound intermittently works. There have been several nights where my daughter wakes up crying and we hear nothing through the app. Please help! We need a second camera now to ensure we hear her crying.
No Audio
Hi Nanit, Suddenly I am unable to hear sound from Nanit app. Tried restarting the app and also deleting the app and reinstalling it. Could you help on this asap as we need to hear sound to monitor our baby.
No Audio
hello Nanit, the audio isn’t working for my device. I’ve tried restarting the app, restarting my phone, adjusting the audio settings, checking my internet. Nothing is allowing the sound to come through. What can I do to resolve this problem?
Speaker blew on the Nanit
Hi my speaker blew on my Nanit less than a year since we started using it. I’ve tried trouble shooting but has not worked. Please let me know how you can help. Thanks! David Laux
Audio not working
I have seen many people post about this issue, but I have not seen any solution. Can I receive assistance on getting the sound to work on my app? I have restarted the app the uninstalled and reinstalled the app. I have checked the sound on my phone and double checked all the sound options in the app. Thank you for any help…
Sound not working
the sound stopped working a couple days ago.
White noise not working
Hi - I’ve tried everything to get our nanit white noise and sounds to work, no luck. Restarted camera, reinstalled app, etc. any solutions I’m not seeing? On vacation and this is. Much needed.
For last few days I have no sound coming out of my Nanit camera on my iPad or my phone and not getting any sound notifications. I tried resetting the monitor itself by unplugging and tried logging out of app and back in. Still n nothing any other suggestions
Nanit sound not working
have tried everything including rebooting and restarting and reinstalling by the app the camera be router
Ever since the app was updated, we haven't been able to hear any background audio. I've uninstalled the app. I've reinstalled the app. I've cleared the cache and no dice. Has anyone else had this problem with the background audio not working?
HELP. My Nanit suddenly stopped providing sound. I can see my daughter but I can’t hear anything
I’ve tried deleting and reinstalling the app? I’ve tried reconnecting the monitor. Nothing is working and I can’t get any sound.
No audio
we are not able to hear our baby due to the Nanit not outputting any sound. We have tried resetting the app, restarting phones, etc. seems to be an issue all over as I’m reading that this issue is happening to many people. Please advise.
How to get the sound to work?
we recently submitted a ticket for the sound to work. As a result, we needed to reboot the camera by unplugging it from the wall. It appears the sound has went out again right before bedtime. Luckily, we were awake this time. Please help us resolve this issue.
No sounds on Nanit App
I’m not getting any sound from the nursery on the nanit app. Pls help. Thx.