Delay Issue with Baby Monitor Camera in Europe
The baby monitor camera has a significant delay. It’s usually over 3 seconds. For the first few seconds after turning it on, it works fine, but then it briefly freezes, and a delay occurs. Reinstallation doesn’t help, the signal is strong, and the software is up-to-date. It’s clearly an app issue. We’re using the camera in…
Problems with the multi stand
is anyone having issues with the multi stand when traveling away from home? We’ve had to use it a few times while traveling and it always seems to be a pain to connect using the multi stand. Yesterday, we were trying to set it up for a nap at a family members house and it just wouldn’t connect despite several tries. It…
How do I connect to my live feed?!
Does anyone else’s camera lag and only update 30 minutes to an hour after an action takes place?
I got a new camera from a friend who just never used it or opened it and it lags about 4 seconds and doesn’t update when baby falls asleep/ wakes up/ etc until long after it happens.. is this normal or no?
Can I use any other device other than my phone for overnight monitoring?
I have a iPhone 13 and my wife has the new iPhone 14 Pro. We have tried the overnight monitoring on each the phones (on night mode), while on the charger and it actually depletes the battery, again on the charger. So we then start the day with a dead cell phone... Are we doing something wrong? We really dont need to see…
Can you use livestream option camping with no internet or wifi?
Just purchased nanit pro. Haven’t received it yet. Husband just thought of this after purchase and I cannot find a straight answer anywhere. We go camping several times a year we always have hydro access but no internet or wifi. My question is can you use at minimum the live stream option without internet or wifi access?…
Video will not stop loading spinner
can’t get video to play on iPhone app. Have already reinstalled app, logged out and logged in, restarted whole phone, still only spinner shows. Video plays fine on a different device (iPad) Version 3.8.2.
Did this morning's camera firmware update disrupt live stream for anyone else's Nanit Pro camera?
I already opened a ticket but checking to see if anyone else is affected. At the moment all of Nanit's system statuses are reporting green. This morning when I opened the Nanit app around 7:30AM to check the time our son woke up, and it prompted for a camera firmware update. I clicked yes to apply it as we normally do. The…