Nanit Scheduled Maintenance on December 18th, 2024
On Wednesday, December 18th between 11am-12pm ET, we will be conducting scheduled maintenance to the Nanit network. You will still be able to see your camera’s livestream during the maintenance window. During the downtime you may briefly experience: Delayed Insights analytics Delayed push notifications Unavailability of…
iOS 16 and Android 8 + 9 Support Update
At Nanit, we are constantly seeking to improve the safety, security, and user experience of our apps so that you can continue to stay connected to your little ones. In support of this goal, on December 31st 2024, we plan to discontinue support for iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and Android 8 + 9. We understand that this may come as an…
First time visiting our Camera & App Forum? Read our tips.
Check out our tips on how to get the most out of our forum. Welcome to the Nanit Help & Support Forum! You are in the right place to ask questions about the Nanit Camera & App. Looking for some guidance on getting started? Below are a few easy tips on how to get started in our Nanit Camera & App forum. Have a question?…
Need MAC Address
Hello, I need to find the MAC address for my nanit in order to connect it to my wifi network. Can someone privately message me to help me do this? Thanks!
Apple TV / HomeKit Workaround
Hi All, I have seen that a fairly well requested feature is being able to see the Nanit Cam on an Apple TV, well I have found a solution that I would like to share. To view my Google Nest cameras via Apple Home and Apple TV, I use a tiny little box called Starling Home Hub. Recently they have release a beta firmware that…
Background Audio Turns Off
I have my background audio enabled and turn it on before going to sleep. The last few nights my background audio has turned off at some point. I have tried unplugging the camera and resetting my phone and none of it is helping. Please advise.
Cant Update Firmware
My camera has a firmware update avaliable but it's not letting me update it. When clicking update firmware it highlights like I've selected it but nothing happens. See attached video. I have tried to restart the camera, unplugged it, disconnected the camera from the flex stand, attempted to reconnect the wifi but that…
Broken floor stand
Hi, we have had the Nanit Pro for 15 months. Our strong 14mo pushed it over and the bottom most bar of the floor stand snapped so that part of it is lodged in the tripod. Is there a way to replace just these two parts or have it fixed?
Team member access pending
Hi, I am setting up a Nanit Pro system, and there seems to be a bug in updating status of invites between the app and the invited team member’s account. I have so far: Sent an Admin member invite. The invited member has set up a Nanit account and pressed the accept invitation button in the email. The Nanit account online…
White noise pauses half second and resumes during disconnects
One of the biggest problems I have with Nanit is the WiFi disconnects on either the 5GHz and 2.4GHz band. I purchased a WiFi extension, thinking it will resolve the problem. There have been occasions that I couldn't connect to the camera while I was in the same room and on the same WiFi SSID. I have seen this complaint…
No audio
There is no sound from camera view in Nanit app (ie we can’t hear crying while app is open). Unplugged device. Reconnected to WiFi. Uninstalled app. Restarted phone. Nothing works.
Why is my Nanit so dark?
Hi there, suddenly we can’t see our daughter properly and the image is very dark - the night vision seems to be malfunctioning. Can you please help? Thanks!
Nanit reset button stuck
My Nanit reset button is stuck, my Nanit just suddenly stopped working. I’m being told I have to replace the head when the camera is just right at 2 years old. I’m seeing others with this same issue which leads me to believe you guys are trying to rip off customers. This is obviously a known defect.