What happened to the custom schedule generator? Did they seriously take that away too? I used that generator religiously. 😔
Hi My 5 month old has been through the regression (I think) we never sleep trained ,but we do have a very predictable routine (and times) for night time sleep and naps.He always woke up to nurse 2/3 times a night (exclusively BF) and then back to sleep .Past few days he will scream and cry and arch his back during the…
Hi Dr Barnett! my 14 month old has never been a good sleeper however lately it’s much worse. He is in daycare and when he comes home he is very tired. I put him down around 630 and he will wake up at 10:30 and then again at 3 and refuses to go back to sleep after three and cries all night
Hi! my baby used to do 8pm to 6:10am with 1 feed at 3 am. Now he wakes up 3 times looking for me. He falls asleep on his own after our song where he will just be in my arms. What happened??!! I have the same routine for more than 6 months and I have done gentle sleep training which improved bedtime and some night wakings…
Our soon to be 1 year old goes to bed very peacefully on his own (after timed Ferber sleep training, which took about 4 days). After bedtime routine, we put him in bed at 7pm awake and he happily chats with himself for a few minutes before falling asleep. For the past 2 weeks, he has been waking up anywhere between 2am -…
my daughter is 7 months and I wake up to feed her about 4 times in the middle of the night. She is breastfed.
Hi Dr.B, Our son just turned a year old and he is not sleeping through the night. We put him down around 7 to 8 every night and he will wake up 4-5 hours later. Sometimes we will let him cry it out and he will put himself back to sleep but sometimes we have to go in there and we will usually feed him a bottle. Then he will…
hi everyone Our toddler is continuously waking up around midnight to 3 AM. I’ve created somewhat of a bad habit by just bringing her into bed with us, rather than trying to get her back down. This happened after countless nights of not being able to get her to go back to bed. now I’m afraid I’ve created a bad habit, and…
My daughter just turned 1 on September 17th, 2023. We have been trying our best to sleep train, but it has been really hard to stop the middle of the night bottle since it seems to be the only thing that stops her from screaming. She has a very consistent day with meals and naps, and at bedtime. However, she usually will…
hello, my daughter is 9 months old. She will not sleep past 5. We will go through weeks where she will sleep until 6:15, and then boom, 5 am wake up for a whole week. She takes 2 naps during the day that are about 45 minutes long. She is bottle fed. We start the bedtime routine at 6:30, so she is in bed by 7. I’m tired.…
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