My 4 month old has already gone through his regression (it was rough) and we are doing great with falling asleep on his own for naps (put down drowsy but awake). But come night time he fights going to sleep so bad. We have to go in and calm him multiple times, pat him and help him sooth to fall asleep, just to have him…
Hello all, my 22 month old was perfectly sleep trained before going to day care, usually when we keep her in the crib in day time or night time she plays for 10mins or sometimes cries for 10mins and sleep well for 10-12hours, she joined day care 4 weeks back during which she was sick for 3 weeks and didnt go to day care…
Hi everyone, My son has been waking up 5-7 times at night for the past few days and I want to know what you do to minimize night time wake-ups? I try to see if he will soothe himself and go back to sleep but it just isn't cutting it right now. He is 5 months and has always been a good sleeper at night, even while teething.…
We have a sleep routine but it ends up that I put my daughter asleep in the crib rather than awake. She tends to wake up several times at night. I have to replace the paci at least twice. Our routine is: diaper change, lotions, onesie, sleep sack, bottle then rock for ten mins (she spits up and had choking issues so we…
My nearly 10 MO seems to be so restless lately. For awhile he was sleeping so sounding, breaths down to 18/19 breaths per minute, and now not only is he not sleeping through, he’s breaths are never lower than 22. Anyone else experience anything similar?
Hi everyone! I'm a FTM trying to establish some good independent sleep habits in my two month old son before launching into sleep training at four months. We have issues with day naps. I've been reading the Sleep Sense program (amongst others!) about getting him to sleep without sleep props. My question is, what have…
Our 9month old little boy is still waking up every 2 hours every night because he’s hungry, he’s been doing this since he’s been born! he has NEVER slept through the night, and isn’t able to self soothe. Any suggestions on what to do to help him? We typically give him between 20-35 min to try to self soothe, it never…
I’m at my wits end. My son is going on 11 months he refuses to be rocked but he also don’t self sooth it’s a crying nightmare for hours both him and me. He don’t sleep the night nor wants to take proper naps the routine has not changed I don’t have a support system and I have other kids and responsibilities besides him.…
She is almost 6 months old and wakes multiple times per night. How do I get her to fall asleep in her crib on her own without all the tears?
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Ask Nanit's VP of Clinical Research anything about naps! Dr. Natalie Barnett is back in the Nanit Community to answer all your questions about your little one's naps. Wondering what to expect at a certain age, when to drop a nap, or why your little one's nighttime sleep patterns are so different from their daytime sleep…