anyone know why this happens? And how long habit takes to get back to you? We got one early this morning minute after putting my baby back down to bed. I reviewed the video and her sleep sack isn’t bunched 😭 this was such a terrifying sound !
Does anyone have any tips for having baby (12 months old) fall asleep on her own in the beginning of the night? I have rocked my baby to sleep every night for a year and I'm noticing that she is waking up in the middle of the night and not able to sooth herself back to sleep. I've gotten the feedback that it's important to…
hello!! i would like to modify my baby schedule because we is Waking up early 530-6 am causing sleeping at night to also be early 630-645 pm which is not working for our day since he is now going to day care. We have tried sleeping him later but still waking up at the same time. Causing he dont make it to his One nap Which…
My 5mo recently started waking in the middle of the night. She doesn’t cry or anything but after awhile she will start to sing which ultimately wakes my husband and I up which at that point it’s showing that she’s been awake for 30-40min already. She goes to bed between 6:30-8pm every night and I make sure our routine is…
Hi, I need help! We have a sleep routine for our baby boy (9 month old now) and he is sleeping in his crib in our room. I rock him to get drowsy and put him in his crib and stay with him until he falls asleep completely. He still calls us several time to give him back his paci. Lately, after putting him in his crib, he…
my baby is now 5 months old almost 6 months old. She started sleeping through the night at 3 months. We would put her to sleep at 8pm every night and she would fall asleep easily. 4 weeks ago she started fighting her bedtime. We spend hours trying to get her to stop crying . Every single night it’s a fight with her now.…
every night my baby girl of 5m falls asleep on the bottle before bed. She finishes her feeding but by the time I transfer her she’s already asleep. Is this okay or do I need to wake her a bit to teach her to self sooth? She wakes up 3-4 times a night for the paci.
Hello there, We did sleep training with My nine month old at 6 months. She used to use her hand to self soothe back to sleep. She now has her two bottom teeth and I’ve noticed she doesn’t like her hand anymore because those teeth are sharp. She typically wakes at 1am and 4am even if she still has her paci in her mouth- the…
hey all my 6 month old wakes up around either 12-1 am and refuses to go back to sleep for at least 2-3 hours I let her cry a little but nothing seems to be working unless we rock her or comfort her back to sleep. Her bed time is 8:00 pm she is always tired right before 8:00. I give her a bottle like 3-4 oz and rock her to…
Am struggling with my 8 month old’s sleep. Ever since we put him into his own room 2 months ago we’ve had broken sleep. Up every 90 or so minutes, and between 4-6am refuses to go back into his cot 😴 He’s VERY strong willed. We tried gentle sleep training and he just got more angry with us being in his room. Extinction…
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Ask Nanit Lab's Maristella Lucchini, PhD Anything about getting back to routine in the New Year! For many of us, our routines got out of whack over the holidays. Maristella is here to help! We invite you to share your routine + sleep questions or concerns (feel free to share your Nanit captured data too!) so Maristella can…