Dual camera mode & sound + light
I'm a first time Mom to March 2024 baby. We LOVE our Nanit system. It's seriously Pavlov'd our little guy and I'm so greatful for it and the sleep it has allowed us to get. We're fully invested in wall mounted pro camera, sound + light, insights plan for long distance grandparents, travel accessories, the works! 1st baby…
Nanit Split Screen
I just set up our second Nanit pro camera and the split screen feature works great on our phone. We cannot get the split screen option on our Ipad though. Any advice on how to get the split screen working on an Ipad?
Split Screen option unavailable on iPad
I recently setup a second camera and have the Split screen option on my phone through the app. However, the split screen option is not available when I open the app on my iPad. Can someone help me figure out a solution?
Two Issues: Split Screen not working on iPad Mini & Nanit Camera will not rotate
Hi, Issue 1: I have an iPad Mini 6th Generation and split screen mode is not working for the Nanit app. My iOS version is the most recent (16.6) and my Nanit app version is the most recent (3.11.8 (622)). The split screen function appears and I can click it but I cannot add any cameras to the split screen view (which I can…
Split screen/multiple camera issues
I have two Nanits to use the split screen function for my 3 year old and newborn. Several times now I’ve woken up to both sides of the split screen function on my 3 year old and NO MONITOR on for my newborn which is extremely worrisome. So then we decided that one of us would have one monitor on one child and one monitor…
Changing cameras on split screen
I have 3 nanit cameras. The 2 that show up on the split screen are not the two i want to see at the same time. How do I change which two caneras show up in the split screen mode?
How can I use the split screen in bc y camera since I have a set of twins
how can I use the split screen option. I have set of twins and their cribs are next to each other
Needs room for improvement for twin compatibility.
Split screen is still buggy and tends to stop showing live feed for one of the cameras, it does restart the feed. Ive tried making sure network connection is stable also. Running a business grade mesh routers. Both cameras are on a 5 GHz network and only the cameras are in that network no other device. I have two cameras…
Screen split
I have twins! How do I split the screen?
Split screen gone?
All of a sudden the Split Screen button is no longer available in my app. Did that feature get removed???
Split screen not loading
I'm having an issue with one of the two video feeds not loading with the split screen feature. I can hear the audio but not the video. Both cameras are nanit pro.
How do you rotate the image in split screen?
Our monitors come over-the-top of the bassinet, from behind. So we need the images rotated 180 degrees. Is this actually not a feature? Or am I not finding the button?