Two-Step Verification Stuck?
Hi, I am trying to set up my Nanit Sound and Light machine, but after I registered for an account and confirmed my email address, it asked me to set up 2FA. I went ahead and put in my phone number, but it just gets stuck on the next screen saying they texted me a code. I haven't gotten a code. I have double and…
Dual camera mode & sound + light
I'm a first time Mom to March 2024 baby. We LOVE our Nanit system. It's seriously Pavlov'd our little guy and I'm so greatful for it and the sleep it has allowed us to get. We're fully invested in wall mounted pro camera, sound + light, insights plan for long distance grandparents, travel accessories, the works! 1st baby…
Brand new sound and light won’t connect
Unable to connect brand new sound and light to wifi. Password is correct and I have tried everything the app and help guides say but it won't connect!
Sound & Light Machine beeping and cutting on/off
Ever since the new update, I've noticed that at least once an hour there is a disturbance to the sound machine. It either makes a loud pitched beep (almost like a fire alarm) or it cuts out and comes back on a few seconds later. I've tried switching sounds, turning it on and off, deleting and reloading the app on my…
Camera & Sound Machine Disconnection
Hi, I wanted to ask anyone with more than one camera & sound/light machine if they have experienced any issues with their machines disconnecting often. We had our second baby in May and have a second camera and sound/light machine for our son. Since having two sets of each machine (our 1.5-year-old daughter has her own set…
How to lock sound and light machine
On the bottom of the sound and light machine there is a lock icon. I cannot find how to turn on the lock.
Help! Sound and light won't connect to wifi
Unable to connect brand new sound and light to wifi. Password is correct and I have tried everything the app and help guides say but it won't connect!
Sound. + light machine not working after update
after the device needed a software update the device no longer will connect to my phone or Wi-Fi. I have followed reset instructions, but nothing is working.