If your request is urgent, please reach out to help@nanit.com and we will follow up with you when we return on Friday, December 27th.
Feel free to check Nanit’s system status at any time and refer to our troubleshooting tips for common issues and instructions on how to reset your Nanit camera. We also encourage you to search on the Nanit Community for your issue before posting your question.
You also have the option to open a ticket with the Nanit Support Team by completing the contact us form, emailing to help@nanit.com or dialing 1-866-696-2648. The support team is available from 11 AM-6 PM EST on weekdays (Monday to Friday - excluding holidays).
Nanit scheduled maintenance on March 19, 2024
On Tuesday, March 19th between 3-4 am EST, we will be conducting scheduled maintenance to the Nanit network.
You will be able to see your baby’s livestream during the maintenance window and receive notifications.
Insights Milestones Plan members may briefly be unable to view Advanced Analytics dashboard tiles in the Nanit App, including activity score, head position, and body position.