my 8 month old doesn’t sleep as long. He falls asleep during his feed so it’s been difficult to put him in the crib awake so that he can try fall asleep on his own. How do I get around this? I have tried soothing him when he wakes up but he’s completely up and will only go back to sleep after some milk. Help!
good morning! My 16 month old loves to wake up at the crack of dawn. By that I mean sometimes as early as 3;45 am. Now of course that’s rare but it is almost always 4;45-5 am he is waking. I will blame myself that I used to give him a bottle at that time in his bed and then leave, however he’d never fall back asleep. I…
Hi there. I’m a mother of 2 with 7.5 years in between my boys. My 7mo is giving me a run for my money and I do not know what to do. He still is not sleeping through the night. He goes down about 7:30-8pm and is awake at 6am. He takes 3 naps with 2.5-3 hour wake windows. Throughout the night he wakes several times while…
my daughter is 5,5 months. She used to sleep a whole night without waking up to feed for a week before she turned 5, now she came back to waking up once for feeding. Also, She does not sleep on her own, when she was really small we put her in the crib and she would fall asleep, now we need to either hold her (only hold,…
My son is almost 8 1/2 months and from 4 bottles every 4 h ( about 6/7 oz/ bottle ) now we have 1 bottle (formula) at 5:00 am.. and the he screams and i gave him the pacifier to soothe himself back to sleep until 7:00 am - the lunch 11:30 vegetables and some protein (purée) then 3 pm fruit purée and dinner 6,6:30 legumes…
My daughter is 19months and has only slept through the night a handful of times. We co-sleep most nights to make it through larger chunks. I read the quotes ‘self soothe’ but then I read ‘biologically normal sleep’. My daughter does put herself to sleep but when she can’t she is full on screaming and standing up asking for…
My baby is almost 4 months old. At around 2.5 months he started sleeping 6h stretches at night (dream feed at 11.30pm and he will last till 6-7am). A few weeks ago, around 3 months, he started waking up every 60-90min, crying without any reason (no wet diaper or discomfort), and then asks for a feed 3h later from the dream…
My daughter just turned 5mo, and she will not nap more than 30min naps in my arm’s throughout the day. And at nights she’s still waking about 3/4 times. I worry she’s not getting enough sleep, and I feel like I’ve tried everything. Please help!
so my son is 6 1/2 months old! He always freaks out trying to go to bed on his own or it will take him a while. He will scream until one of us gets him. He struggles going to bed and taking naps. He's waking up every 3-4 hrs to feed as well so he usually will end up in our bed at night because we are so exhausted from…
My sons been waking up in the middle of the night for the past month and the only change is I got a job and he’s going to daycare. He doesn’t take good naps throughout the day regardless of what I do either. I’ve tried an earlier bedtime, a later bedtime (to wear him out), bath before bed, and just about anything else that…
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