My seven month old has never been a great napper, unless it was a contact nap. She now takes 2 naps in her crib and consistently wakes up at the 30 minute mark crying. I try to let herself work it out for 10ish minutes but she is pretty upset and it’s hard. She isn’t able to go back down on her own and if I go in she is…
Ask Nanit's Clinical Research team anything about sleep foundations! This event is part of our monthly digital sleep series - during the last week of each month, our experts host an event about a particular sleep topic. About Dr. Maristella Lucchini: Maristella Lucchini serves as Senior Clinical Researcher at Nanit.…
So my 7 month old has always been an amazing sleeper, practically since birth. We got him transitioned to his crib from the bassinet at about 5 months and he was sleeping through the whole night. We went on vacation where we put him back in the bassinet(pack n play) and when we got home it’s like he refuses his crib. Any…
Hi there! I hope I can get some insight here. My son has been struggling with bedtime. It's horrible. His normal wakes 730am first nap 10 then second nap at 3. Then bedtime around 8. But lately it's been harder to get him to bed. Been almost 3 weeks of very hard to get him to sleep at bedtime. We have tried dropping the…
From holiday celebrations to baby reaching new milestones, the next few months will likely be full of sleep disruptions of all kinds. Ask Dr. Sarah Berger anything about helping your little one(s) through regressions, getting back on track after a schedule change, and more! This event is part of our monthly digital sleep…
Get ready for daylight savings on November 6th. Ask Dr. Maristella Lucchini and Dr. Natalie Barnett anything about preparing your babies and toddlers for daylight savings! About the experts Dr. Maristella Lucchini and Dr. Natalie Barnett are both part of Nanit Lab - our scientific and medical advisory board & in-house…
hey Guys- can anyone tell me if their 3 month old’s night looks like this? She isn’t crying during the awake time, just moving around she has been sleeping through the night since around 5 weeks, and the periods of “awake,” she typically just kicks and squirms quietly. We have been putting her down at around 8:30, and the…
Hi, All! First time Mom here and having major struggles with nailing down a solid routine. I’ve followed taking cara babies wake windows and other sleep tips. I’ve taken both her newborn and 3-4 month old classes. My little one has a hard time going down at night at a consistent time as her nap times vary. For example, her…
My daughter who is 1 yr and 11 months. Has been changing her sleep habits. Due to my pregnancy we had to switch to a twin floor bed and no longer a crib, the railing would hurt my womb when I reached over. She sleeps in it but she also has changed times of her sleep. She use to wake up between 7-7:45am, nap between…
My 7.5 MO is still struggling to take longer naps. Her naps usually last between 30-40. We try and follow a 2-3 hour wake window. She also refuses to take a late afternoon nap, which leads to an overtired bedtime disaster. Any tips?
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